NextMinute Blog

Getting back on site - We can help with Contact Tracing

As everyone gets ready to head back out on site, Governments are advising measures need to be put in place...

As everyone gets ready to head back out on site, Governments are advising measures need to be put in place to trace where you have been during working hours to make sure that if a case of COVID19 comes up, that all contacts can be notified.

NextMinute’s contract tracing feature makes it easy to track which sites your staff have visited and when with GPS tagging of staff locations. When a member of your team performs certain actions on their mobile it will drop a pin at their location, with the date and time.

NextMinute keeps a register of who was on which site and when – you can trace back to any point to see where people were in the hopefully unlikely case that someone is exposed to COVID-19 and needs to be traced.

Any one of these actions in the app will add a log entry:

  • Hitting ‘on site’ on a job or task
  • Hitting ‘start’ and ‘stop’ when using the timer for time-sheets
  • Doing a manual time-sheet entry
  • Changing the ‘status’ of a job

So, in a nutshell we have your staff covered! Below is a screenshot of where to go to check GPS data from your staff, and if you would like to read more click here.

How do I set it up?

Just make sure that you have it switched on for your staff via Admin > Users > GPS Tracking. Also, make sure they allow NextMinute to access their location on their mobile through their mobile settings.


What about my subbies?

NextMinute has got your staff covered, but you are going to need to record everyone else that comes on site. The simplest way is to maintain a written register of your subbies and other people that have to come on site. Of course you should be severely restricting this to only the people really have to be there, and can maintain the minimum 2 metres of social distancing.

More information on how to keep your site COVID safe:


New Zealand

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