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How ManageMe & NextMinute helps Pimp My Garage turnaround more jobs

Pimp My Garage is a 100% Kiwi owned garage installation business started by Tod Crosby and Jeremy Davis.

The Company

Pimp My Garage is a 100% Kiwi owned garage installation business started by Tod Crosby and Jeremy Davis. Whether you use your garage for storage, play or work, Pimp My Garage design, supply and install products that will ensure you spend more time doing the things you love – and less time looking for what you need.

As a growing business they need an Administration Support (OR Job Management) solution that is flexible, and scalable. Doing everything themselves was holding the business back. ManageMe’s managed service now allows them to work in the forefront of their business, without the distraction of hiring and training someone new on their systems and procedures.

Why Outsource?

A 5 year old business, Pimp My Garage has experimented with various business models to support scaling up their capacity to complete Job Management tasks and finding the right talent.

Tod stated that “We looked to outsource our administration in order to improve efficiencies and build a faster response time for our customers”.

Initial discussions with Pimp My Garage were focused on creating Quotes and Purchase Orders within NextMinute and working with Xero.

Why Outsource With ManageMe?

The initial face-to-face meeting that got the ball rolling, helped to create trust and a feeling of transparency from the outset.

“We were impressed by the easy to understand and flexible business model they presented” – Tod.

ManageMe is different to other outsource providers by offering a Task Based Managed Service. This means that the staffing is handled by ManageMe giving the co-owners time back for more value add activities. Being a task based approach there is always cover available when staff are on leave.

ManageMe are Next Minute partners and work with Xero. Their staff are trained in these systems reducing the learning curve involved when taking on someone new.

Another contributing factor was the straightforward advice Mike & Tatjana provided on how it would all work. Allowing us to start with a part time staff member and scale up as and when required. This flexibility is key for growing businesses.

The Solution

Pimp My Garage decided initially to test the new staffing model using ManageMe to draft Quotes and Purchase Orders.

Familiarity with the NextMinute system meant that the training period was relatively short. ManageMe documented our procedures which were reviewed and agreed on before the services started.

Two staff members were trained for the Pimp My Garage tasks which allowed for cover when staff were on leave or if a staff member left the company. This isn’t possible under a traditional outsourcing approach unless you were prepared to hire multiple staff members up front.

The initial scope of service grew as Tod & Jeremy’s confidence increased. ManageMe along with Job Quotes and PO’s now handles some design work, Bookkeeping, Social Media posts, invoice/quote follow ups and ad hoc administrative work. “We use a mix of services from ManageMe but the outsourced admin and bookkeeping functions in particular have made significant improvements to our sales processes and have freed up the directors to focus more on business growth”.

The Outcome

What seemed like a complicated solution, has turned out to be relatively smooth. Helping the Pimp My Garage business to greatly reduce the time it was taking to get quotes out and in turn increasing the acceptance of these quotes.

Outsourcing this type of work has meant Tod and Jeremy have been able to focus more time into growing the business by completing more site visits and building relationships with their suppliers.

“Since outsourcing some key support functions to ManageMe, we have improved our efficiencies and created the time and space necessary to move the business to the next phase in our growth strategy” – Jeremy.

Just like any relationship it’s about working together and communicating effectively. With Pimp My Garage and ManageMe both valuing open, transparent and communication both sides knew they were working towards the same goals and could help each other to reach them.

If you are interested in exploring outsourcing opportunities please contact our client success manager, Tatjana Day.
Our discovery process helps find a solution for your current needs, but we can also explore refining and consolidating other areas of your business to increase efficiency and maximise your output!

“ManageMe really works with us and our business goals, offering advice and solutions to help keep us driving forwards!”.

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