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Oxford Contracting Reduced Their Costs For More Job Visibility

Oxford Contracting a family owned construction company based on the Northside of Brisbane.

The Company

Oxford Contracting a family owned construction company based on the Northside of Brisbane. It covers all areas from Landscaping, Decks, Patios to Bathroom renovations and much more!!! Oxford Contracting delivering quality home building and construction with genuine one-to-one service in the Brisbane area.

Tell us about yourself & your firm… what sets you apart?

We’re in the northside of Brisbane. We’ve focused on renovations, patios and decks etc. we’ve also done some pretty big stuff, jobs where we spent over a year on. But most of our work these days is smaller renovations. We’re focused on trying to make sure we always get a good outcome for the client and they get what they’re looking for. No matter what, we try and get the best outcome for the client, we do a lot of bespoke challenging work. We Enjoy that.

How many clients/jobs do you have? Over a month, year etc.

I’d say in the month, probably about 8. We get a lot of repeat work and maintenance with the East Street Markets moving around the wharf.

How did you hear about NextMinute?

I had been trialing software and not liking any. Trialed CoConstruct and no real problem with it, but they just said they’re not gonna run with Xero anymore. I’m not getting the benefits out of it and so I just started looking around BuilderTrend. It was neck and neck with NextMinute and builder trend. Yeah, I mean it was a lot of money and it’s not that it’s not worth it. I was pretty happy with them, but then NextMinute popped up and I had a look. The mobile app of NextMinute took it to the next level with the scheduling of getting into the Gantt charts. Plus the pricing was refreshing.

The Solution

Why did you decide to opt for NextMinute?

Well, for me it’s very important that the boys log in and out of jobs and the fact is NextMinute just streamlined it straight through to the job costing. Talking to a leading accountant said that probably 90% of small businesses do not have the proper job costing. There is real potential in the backcosting summaries and I’m trying to get that working properly for me. I can sit down and have a look at what my quote was and my expenses are just down on the bottom right as I’m going. I can track how the jobs are going and things are a hell of a lot better.

Tell us about how your business worked before NextMinute?

With CoConstruct, everything was far more manual to do payroll and integrate into Xero. It would take hours to put them in there. CoConstruct also fell short on job scheduling.

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