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Technology for construction business and why it’s easy to stuff it up!

With so much new technology available it’s so easy to burn up hours and potentially make expensive mistakes when finding the right technology for your business.

With so much new technology available it’s so easy to burn up hours and potentially make expensive mistakes when finding the right technology for your business.

Every tech company in the world tells you that their solution will save you time and money, reduce your complexity and give you better control over your business.

99% of them are probably right but who has the time to find the right solution?

Let us help guide you so you avoid the common mistakes.

FAIL 1 – Understand the problem before you find the solution

As a small business owner you are balancing so many plates, sales, marketing, technical director, chief fixer of issues and ultimately you don’t have time for everything and so something gives. This is usually administration of your business.

Questions you need to ask yourself.

  • What is taking my time?
  • What is frustrating me and causing a distraction?
  • Where am I being successful?
  • Where am I losing money?
  • What do I need to know about my business that I currently don’t?

Understand the challenge you want to fix and share this with everyone so it happens. Find the technical solution to remove this challenge.

FAIL 2 – Try and do it yourself

Brilliant you are feeling pretty good now. You have clarity on the business issues you want to address and now how do I find the right solution.

You know how to use a PC, you can find your way around a spreadsheet, you can use Facebook and you know your business better than anyone else so why not find the best tech to fix your problems.

Wrong – you know the problems you face, you know that you are busy but how do you compare solutions, how do you find the right solution with the support you need and the commercial deal that best fits your business. Trawling the internet takes hours, you finally find a solution and download a trial. Job done… Wrong again.

Solution – Ask professionals, ask your accountant for some guidance, ask your bookkeeper. They have experience in dealing with many businesses who have similar pains to yours and they will be able to provide advice as to who to talk to or better still they will have direct experience with a tried and tested solution.

FAIL 3 – I don’t want to talk to a salesman

If you are the business owner then you are a salesman for your company and you are the best person to talk about how to deliver the services to your customers.

A salesman from the provider of the technology to remove the pain you are suffering is an expert in their trade. They will ask the right questions about what you need, what you like and why this is important to you. They will make sure you get what you want and for a reasonable price in the timescale you require.


Understand the problem and the cost to you and your business. Share this information with people so they know and can help.

Use the people around you who understand your business and the issues you are wanting to remove.

Then go for it.

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