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Builders Love NextMinute: 10 Reasons Why šŸ˜

As a builder, you have a lot of job management software options. So why should you choose NextMinute? You're about to find out!

Need software to manage your construction business?

Well, builders, youā€™re in luck.Ā 

Because there are, by Googleā€™s estimates, 1,480,000,000 solutions for you.Ā Ā 

Before you click all 1.5 billion results, let us save your finger joints some hard work.Ā 

Most of the websites are basically clones selling the same benefits - manage your jobs, increase profits, save time, and all that jazz. So what makes NextMinute different?Ā 

While we donā€™t claim to be the all time best job management software specifically designed for builders (we are), hereā€™s 10 reasons our customers tell us that they love NextMinute.Ā 

1. Built by builders, for builders, that build things.Ā 

Let's rework that title later.Ā 

In 2016, NextMinuteā€™s founder Simon Greenwood was undertaking a major renovation on his house. He found himself pretty frustrated that builders couldnā€™t get their sh*t together in a reasonable timeframe.Ā 

Heā€™d wait days or weeks for estimates, schedules, quotes, and even invoices.Ā 

But, being an entrepreneurial Kiwi, he decided to chat with them and see if he could come up with a way to help them operate their businesses more efficiently. From that, NextMinute was built with nothing but blood, sweat, and tears (and lots of money) specifically for the needs of the residential builders and related trades (e.g. roofers and concreters).Ā 

Most job management software was built for tradies in general. But, you donā€™t look like a sparky, and we know the way you use software is different.

NextMinute is the best option for longer, complex jobs like renovations or home builds with its powerful job scheduling and management features, detailed cost reporting, progress payments, and mobile app for crew timesheets.Ā 

The feature a lot of builders love is the intuitive Gantt chart. You can create job tasks, assign them to your crew, and schedule their start and finish dates, dependencies, and overlaps.

Check out all our features here.

Takeaway: NextMinute is designed for builders, so thatā€™s cool.Ā 

2. We get it. Construction, that is.Ā 

We regularly hear from builders that theyā€™ve tried other products, but banged their head on the desk repeatedly when talking to their sales teams. Often, software customer service and sales teams are based overseas, and have more experience sipping lattes than swinging a hammer.

Most of the NextMinute team have real-world construction experience in Australia and New Zealand. Weā€™re locally based with real-world insights, and not corporate clones with a script or a chatbot. We understand your pain-points and how to solve them.Ā 

Takeaway: Youā€™ll actually like talking to us.Ā 

3. Again, weā€™re local

Our team is based in Sydney, Australia, and all over New Zealand from Whangarei to Wanaka. When you get on the phone, youā€™re speaking to someone who gets local lingo and wonā€™t ask you to watch your language.Ā 

No more trying to talk to someone who doesnā€™t understand your business, or works in an inconvenient time zone.Ā 

Takeaway: Weā€™re Kiwiā€™s, or Aussies, depending on our mood (like Russell Crowe)Ā 

4. Free setupĀ 

With a lot of job management software companies, you have to pay through the teeth even to get started. Often, onboarding and training costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars before your business can even start using their platform.Ā 

NextMinute helps you get set up, for free. Thatā€™s right, free. No cost. $0. We have to repeat that as most of the tradies we talk to canā€™t believe it.Ā Ā 

Once again - onboarding is completely free.Ā 

Takeaway: No setup or onboarding costs. Maybe just a pint to celebrate all the money you just saved.Ā 

5. Free ongoing support & training for life.

Once you are a customer, there are no additional costs for ongoing training and support.Ā 

Canā€™t figure out how to run a report? Call us.Ā 

New crew member who seems to have no idea how to download an app? Point him to the app store, then tell him to call us.Ā Ā 

Can't find your tape? We already know you left it next to the miter saw.

Takeaway: Weā€™re here to support or train your team anytime, and no additional cost to you.Ā 

6. Simple.Ā 

Sorry to say, but as a builder, youā€™re generally given the stereotype of being somewhat challenged when it comes to using IT.

This may not be true (it is), but in any case, NextMinute is designed to be the most user friendly software on the market for builders. Itā€™s simple, easy to learn, and easy to use for both you and your on-site crew.Ā 

Just book a demo with our team and see for yourself.Ā 

Or, hereā€™s a video for you introverts..

Takeaway: If you can make toast, you can use NextMinute. Itā€™s simple as.Ā 

7. Flexible, month-to-month pricing

With NextMinute, youā€™ll have no lock-in contracts, and no minimum commitments.

Plus, you only pay for the amount of users you need each month. You can scale up or down the amount of staff you have at any time without any penalty.Ā 

Takeaway: Pricing to suit any size business

8. Your Accountant/Bookkeeper will love it tooĀ 

One-way integrations are so 1990. NextMinute has two-way integrations with Xero, Quickbooks, and MYOB. That means your timesheets, supplier invoices and sales invoices can sync between systems without the need for manual reentry.

When it comes to tax time, your accountant will be over the moon as all your financial information will be safe in both systems.Ā 

Takeaway: Less time and money spent on balancing the books.

9. Profits you can seeĀ 

The number one cause of perspiration among business owners isnā€™t working on-site, itā€™s sweating about cashflow.Ā 

NextMinuteā€™s powerful reporting features give you the ability to drill down and see actual costs vs. estimates in real-time on any job or job stage.Ā 

You can see if your concreting went over budget, and take steps to recover those costs further in the project. Plus, you can learn from any mistakes so you can more accurately estimate in future.Ā 

Takeaway: Less sleepless nights and hair loss.Ā 

10. Works where you do

Manage your jobs from your on-site or in the office with our mobile apps for any Android or Apple device.Ā 

Our app is even scientifically designed for calloused hard-worked fingers with large buttons and easy navigation.Ā 

Takeaway: Easy to use app for you and your crew.Ā 

The bottom-lineĀ 

If youā€™re looking for job management software, purpose built for builders with local, expert support at a super competitive price, start your free 14-day trial today here.

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